The water draining out of the bathroom, kitchen, and other rooms ends up in the septic tank. The tank is a large reservoir that can hold a massive volume of solid and liquid waste before the need to drain it. Once filled up, the waste liquid moves into a designated drain field on your property. However, sometimes the entire system gets blocked, leading to water backing up into the home, awful smells, and other complications. It is advisable to understand all the possible causes of septic tank complications and avoid them. Here are three common causes of clogging.
Putting Artificial Waste into the Tank
It is advisable to be keen about what goes in your septic. The tank can comfortably receive and process all manner of organic matter. However, inorganic matter is what creates imbalances in the ecosystem. Therefore, you should avoid putting items like diapers, paper towels, and female hygiene products in the tank as they will not decompose. When wastes fail to decompose, they eventually become the cause of blockages in your system. If you have noticed signs of trouble, such as slow drains and foul smells, call a septic care expert to assess your system for possible complications.
The Effect of Grease on the Kitchen
Another common source of trouble for your septic tank is grease from the kitchen tap. Oil and fat from the kitchen usually become deposited inside the tank and can easily cause a clog. One of the best ways to prevent grease from damaging your septic system is by creating a catch for it under the sink. The trap can easily hold any fat that comes from cleaning your utensils. It keeps all the gunk and prevents it from being a source of septic trouble.
Disruption of Bacteria Inside the Tank
It is also crucial to remember that the septic tank has anaerobic bacteria whose responsibility is to break down all organic waste and speed up decomposition. Sometimes, the introduction of harsh chemicals inside the system compromises the health of the bacteria in the tank. Ultimately, this leads to the tank getting clogged. It is wise to be keen on the cleaning chemicals that you use for bathroom sinks, tubs, and toilets to avoid trouble.
The best way to diagnose a problem with your septic tank is by calling the professionals that handle the pumping process. They will help you resolve the issue by pumping the tank before it becomes a health hazard. Contact a septic pumping service to learn more.