Installing a septic system on a residential property that is too far away from the public sewer system is not uncommon. In fact, it can be a more efficient system and cost less to operate than tying into the city sewer, but residential septic tank cleaning and maintenance are part of the requirements if you choose this option.
Septic Tank Cleaning
When you opt for a septic system on your property, maintaining the system to ensure it continues running efficiently is vital. The most important maintenance for the system is tank cleaning and inspections to ensure everything is working and in good condition.
The septic tank in the system is vital to the operation, and an inspection is necessary every couple of years to ensure it is not leaking and that all of the parts are working correctly. Residential septic tank cleaning starts with pumping the effluent out of the tank and using high-pressure water to wash down the inside.
A septic pumping and cleaning service can empty the tank and clean it up, but it is essential to schedule the inspection the same day to ensure the tank stays empty until the inspection is complete. The inspector needs to see the walls and the floor of the tank and will check the baffles at the inlet and outlet, and if you have any special features like a macerator pump, they can check to ensure that it is working during the inspection.
Emergency Tank Cleaning
Septic tank failure can occur in older systems, or if things are flushed that can affect the tank and the septic system. If the system fails, the septic service working on the repairs may need a residential septic tank cleaning service to come and pump the tank, then clean the inside before they can determine what is going on with the system.
A good cleaning is also essential if a septic tank replacement is necessary. The tank can not come out of the ground if it is full of sludge and water, but a cleaning service can pump everything out quickly, so the contractor does not have to worry about a spill, and the tank weight is reduced enough to lift it without any concerns.
Regular septic tank pumping is necessary on any septic system, and the timing of this service can depend on how the system is used and if it is sized appropriately for the home. Older tanks that are smaller than they should be by today's standards may require pumping yearly, while larger ones may only need emptying once every two or three years.
A residential septic tank cleaning and pumping service in your area can look at the tank and system and help you determine how often you need them to come and service it if you are unsure of when it should happen.